Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Getting Nauti(cal)

Shoes (Sperry Topsiders) $75.Oh Sperrys. Such a TFM. I mean, what's more fratty than a boat shoe. Not to mention a pastel boat shoe. I know these aren't really for a beer kinda wallet (but even the frat boys that drink the Natty Light splurge on these puppies) but I just got a pair and they're so comfy they're worth it.

Top (Old Navy).Now onward to the cheaper and more wallet friendly stuff. I went to OldNavy.com for the first time in a very long time today. This top was right on the homepage and I realized that maybe Old Navy is stepping up their game because this is super cute and for only $12.99 it's a steal, even if it'll fall apart in the washing machine.

 Cardigan (Old Navy) $29.50Now, the cardigan may throw you off a bit. You may be thinking, "wait, those blues don't match!" But they do. The Sperry's are a lot lighter in person, I know, I'm wearing them right now. Plus, who said they had to be a perfect match?

Necklace (Old Navy) $10.50. This necklace works really well in tying everything together. The slight blue hint won't overpower the look but at least we all know you gave a shit about your accessories.

Necklace option 2 (Old Navy) $12.50. This one may be a better choice now that I look at them together. Pearls always keep it classy and they're a huge TSM. The blue ribbon shows us you matched but didn't go with the matchy-matchy lighter blue.

Total for this outfit (I used Necklace option 2 rather than option 1) is $130.39. Keep in mind that the Sperry's were literally more than half of that. Without the shoes, the outfit was only $55.39. Wear a simple pair of blue jeans with a medium wash so you're not pant-less.

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